Theta Phi Alpha has three national philanthropies: The House That Theta Phi Alpha Built, Glenmary Missionaries, and Camp Friendship. In addition to these, the Kappa chapter also supports Children's Miracle Network as one of our local philanthropies. Our philanthropy events are organized by our incredible philanthropy chair Grace.
​The House That Theta Phi Alpha Built
Established in 1993, for the purpose of improving the situation of homeless people in any and every way possible. Each chapter seeks to provide assistance to shelters, participate in home building organizations or neighborhood revitalization projects, and fundraise money to be used in the betterment of these people's lives. This goal allows all Theta Phis to develop projects within their own communities while remaining united in our national aim and purpose. The Kappa chapter has contributed to this goal in our community through the Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh and Adopt-A-Block. (Read more: http://www.thetaphialpha.org/national_phil.php http://www.wcspittsburgh.org/ http://www.oaklandplanning.org/community/volunteerefforts.html )
Glenmary Missionaries
A group of Catholic home missioners whose efforts concentrate exclusively within the United States. They are dedicated to bringing food, clothing, and books to people who live in the small towns and depressed rural areas of our nation. The missionaries also assist in providing proper medical care, efficient job training, and tutoring to these people as a way to prepare them for advancement in life. They also host Camp Friendship each summer for children who live in these rural areas. (Read more: http://www.glenmary.org/about/overview/overview.htm )
Camp Friendship
A summer camp hosted in northeast Mississippi. This camp is for children from disadvantaged or low-income homes who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend summer camp. This program helps children develop teamwork skills, foster new relationships, and promote a sense of self-worth and confidence growing from their personal accomplishments. Sisters of Theta Phi Alpha help make this possible with financial donations, supplies, and volunteering at the camp. (Read more: http://www.thetaphialpha.org/programs/philanthropy-community-service )

Pitt Dance Marathon

Letters of Love
Along with philanthropy projects and events, the sisters of Theta Phi Alpha also take part in numerous service projects organized by our amazing service chair Natalie.
Theta Phi Alpha Day of Service