
Letter From Our President

Welcome to the Kappa Chapter of Theta Phi Alpha! My name is Molly Cowan and I am the president for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you for taking the time to look through our website and learn about what it means to be a member of Theta Phi! I am so excited to share a little bit about our sisterhood with you!
The Kappa Chapter was founded at the University of Pittsburgh in 1922, making us the second oldest active chapter of Theta Phi! Our motto is “nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring,” which I believe encompasses the abilities of this chapter perfectly. Each member of this chapter not only contributes to the development of our organization, but to the growth of the University of Pittsburgh community. Each of our sisters not only strives to maintain a high level of academic excellence, but makes an active effort to be involved in and take on leadership positions outside of our sisterhood. Many of our members are involved in Pitt Pathfinders, STEP @ Pitt, Camp Kesem, Pitt Dance Marathon, Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority, and many other organizations.
The phrase “Ever Loyal, Ever Lasting” reflects our commitment to our sisterhood and community. We value the philanthropic and service efforts each and every one of our members make. Our national philanthropies include The House that Theta Phi Alpha Built and Camp Friendship. Within our Pittsburgh community, we fundraise and donate to The Children’s Miracle Network, the Women’s Center & Shelter of greater Pittsburgh, the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and participate annually in the local Adopt a Family drive around the holidays! A highlight for many of our members is our annual Pumpkin Bash each fall! We believe that giving back to our community is essential for the growth and prosperity of our chapter!
I am filled with gratitude and humility to not only serve as the president this year, but to simply be a member of this chapter. Every one of our sisters has contributed to making this sisterhood amazing, and I am endlessly inspired by the strength we encompass. Our members amaze me with their passion, determination, and drive. Joining Theta Phi has truly made me feel at home at Pitt and I am so proud to represent such an incredible organization!
If you have any questions about our sisterhood, please feel free to reach out!

Our Mission
The mission of Theta Phi Alpha is to create close comradeship, to advance educational, social and philanthropic interests and leadership training; to encourage spiritual development and adherence to the highest moral standards; and to promote lifelong bonds of friendship.
Founded: 1912 at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Founded at the University of Pittsburgh: 1922
Founders: Dorothy Caughey Phalan, Katrina Caughey Ward, Mildred Connely, Selma Gilday, Otilia Leuchtweis O’Hara, Amelia McSweeney, Camilla Ryan Sutherland, Helen Ryan Quinlan, May C. Ryan, Eva Stroh Bauer Everson
Tagline: Ever Loyal, Ever Lasting
Motto: Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring
Symbol: The Compass
Colors: Blue, Gold, and Silver
Flower: White Rose
Jewels: Pearl and Saphire
Mascot: The Penguin